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"Cellular Home Invasion"

International Solo Show.  
Czong Institute of Contemporary Art. Seoul,South Korea; 2019.
With Dr. Aaron McKain, Prof. Allison Baker, Prof. Josh Gumilea, and Riley Miller.

Exhibit Abstract:
Cellular Home invasion uses sculpture, sound, and live programming to examine
the competing scientific paradigms that currently, but contradictorily,
define and govern the “health” and “normalcy”
of our post-digital bodies and homes.

By aesthetically enacting the competing realities of two recent “cellular” revolutions

  • the scientific discovery of the microbiome

  • the emerging medical consensus on the health effects
    of the frequencies that power our phones and the “internet of things”


the IAA transformed the Czong Institute space into a surrealistic
(but scientifically true)
representation of the posthuman environments
that all citizens, patrons, and patients must now learn
(ethically and epistemologically) to navigate.

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