1st amend
higher ed
Using art to spark seemingly impossible cross-cultural conversations -- and sneak science past the censors -- since 2017.
Catalyzes civic engagement and curate under-served community voices by translating complex issues into easy-to-understand:
Local, national, and international art exhibitions and installations;
Academic research and publications;
Educational materials for attorneys, teachers; citizens, and advocates.
Our own body of work is motivated by the same goals that guide our exhibitions of other artists' work. We want to use aesthetic experiences as a means of engaging the general public with digital and biomedical harms that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye or too bogged down in esoteric jargon.
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All Bullets Shatter:
Crime and Trauma
Living Art Exhibition and Public Forum
Minneapolis, MN and Online. May 2022.
In partnership with:
Guns Down, Love Up I Protect MN
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
Urban Educators I North Suburban Center for the Arts I MN Second Change Coalition
and Faculty from Ohio State, Georgia State, Portland State, and Pittsburg Univ.
All Bullets Shatter:
Crime and Trauma
Living Art Exhibition and Public Forum
Minneapolis, MN and Online. May 2022.
Over 26,000 shots were fired in Minneapolis between January and September of 2021. These stories of gun violence are always “counted” in fatalities and injuries. Behind the numbers, however, there is always an “uncounted” story of trauma – for victims and their families – that can’t be quantified.
In partnership with:
Guns Down, Love Up I Protect Minnesota
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
Urban Educators I North Suburban Center for the Arts
Minnesota Second Change Coalition
and Faculty from Ohio State, Georgia State, Portland State, and Pittsburg Univ. Prison Writing Project